the outstanding blogger award

Fasten your seat belt, traveler, we’re taking off!

Last week, I received a notification from Nefeli @ BiblioNebula, who tagged — nominated — me in the Outstanding Blogger Award. I’m so grateful for their tag, I really wasn’t expecting it, and this is so nice from them!! So a huge thank you to Nefeli for her kindness, and if you haven’t already, I urge you to check their blog!!

The Outstanding Blogger Award was created by Colton @ Colton Beckwith RPC, and I’m really honored to take part in it!


  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Create 7 unique questions.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
  5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

Nefeli’s questions

What’s your favourite holiday?
Christmas! I’m not a Christian or else, but I just love the ambiance and gifting my closest ones. Oh, I love buying gifts! Not to brag, but I think I actually have good gifts ideas and I love watching my friends and family open their presents. Also: the food.

Forget favourites. Name a book or character you loathe.
There are quite a lot, especially books I hate to read for school. I already said that in a previous post, but I loathe mandatory readings, so whenever I had to read a book for classes (which was very often), it just became a book I hated. No extra reasons needed. But besides those mandatory reads, I read some very bad books this year… I hate being this negative, but don’t read those books.


These are two boring books, with toxic and problematic relationships and characters… I really loathed reading those books, somehow managed to finish them, but. Nope. Never again.

What’s the weirdest book you’ve ever read?
Hm, probably One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but I’d say it was mostly because this is magical realism and the first magical realism novel I read. So yeah, it was weird, and everyone had basically the same name, and it became slowly confusing, and the ending was weird too… But even if it could have been a bit shorter, I still had a good time reading it, and rated it 3 stars out of 5!

Do you have a favourite historical figure?
I do! I have a strong bond with Henri IV of France because he was born in the same town as me, and I worked in his castle last summer. His shadow is everywhere in the town, even if he was just born here and grew up elsewhere. I also love the fierce Mary, Queen of Scots, and I just love learning about history in general. Whenever I watch a historical show, I love going through Wikipedia and learning what really happened, and who was whom, etc. I’m just a History nerd, and find interest in every subject!

Spell your name (or your blog’s name) with book titles.
ne Vie comme les Autres [A little life] by Hanya Yanagihara
Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier
Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (The) by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Arrête avec tes mensonges [Lie with Me] by Philippe Besson

What book would you like to see adapted into a movie or a play?
Oh, so many! But I’d love a Gilded Wolves movie: I mean a diverse cast going on a heist, in 19th-century Paris? Can you imagine the costumes? The tension? The cast?? How could it haven’t been done yet?

Read my review of The Gilded Wolves:

What’s your favourite book title?
There are several I like for mostly unknown reasons, except for the fact that I love the way they sound, or how poetic they appear. This is the case for Tarnished Are the Stars: I haven’t read the book, but its title sounds like an excerpt from some poem, and I love that feeling. The same goes for In the Shadow of the Sun, maybe even they’re part of the same poem, ha. And there’s The Priory of the Orange Tree: not only I loved the book, but I love its title too. It seems like such a simple title, and yet, holds so much within itself. I love that trick, seeming easy without really being like that, and that’s why I love that title too.

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The nominees are…

Marie @ Drizzle and HurricaneNadège @ Planète DiversitéMieke @ The little mouse that readsAriel @ The Book ViewShealea @ Shut up, ShealeaAnna @ Reading PeachesCharlotte @ Tea Leaf ReadsLéa @ We Have No ApologiesNgọc @ CàPhêWritingsAlison @ Antari Reads

These are some of my fav bloggers, among so many amazing book bloggers! I love their work, even if sometimes I’m more of a silent supporter — but if you’re a book blogger and you’re not in this list just so you know: you still have my full support. What book bloggers do is amazing, and I wanted to share and thank those who inspire me to do better.

I’d ask you…

  1. Do you have some blogging habits (drinking coffee while writing, listening to a certain type of music…)?
  2. What is your favorite book written in your native language?
  3. Do you have unpopular opinions on books?
  4. If you could spend one day with a fictional character, who would that be and what would you do?
  5. Which 2021 book are you waiting for the most?
  6. Bookmark or dog-ear?
  7. Favorite cover?

Once again, I want to congratulate all book bloggers and bookish creators: your work is important and what you do is simply awesome!

How would you have answered those questions?
Want to shout out a particular book blogger?

Rejoignez les 336 autres abonnés

2 commentaires sur “the outstanding blogger award

  1. Thank you for your kind words! I loved reading your answers! Christmas is the best holiday, especially because of the food and sweets. I am the same when it comes to history. I love reading more on historical figures and events and getting a deeper understanding of different eras. History is fascinating! And you’re right about those titles, they do sound like lines from a poem!

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