matching oscars looks to book covers!

Hello, traveler! The 93rd Academy Awards was last week, and there was a red carpet! Which is a very usual thing, but in the middle of a global pandemic, it becomes something to be excited about. Now, only the nominees, their guests, and the presenters were walking down the pinkish venue. Nonetheless, we were served … Lire la suite matching oscars looks to book covers!

review: in a holidaze by christina lauren

“It’ll be okay. Things always look worse from the inside.”In a Holidaze, Christina Lauren One Christmas wish, two brothers, and a lifetime of hope are on the line for hapless Maelyn Jones in In a Holidaze, the quintessential holiday romantic novel by Christina Lauren, the New York Times bestselling author of The Unhoneymooners.It’s the most wonderful time of the … Lire la suite review: in a holidaze by christina lauren